Friday, May 12, 2006

I am A... and I am here to stay

So this is my first post in the blogshitters community that I have been honoured to be invited to by Senorita Angie (I am just trying to get in her good books, but I should call her senora actually). Before we start the hostilities, let me introduce myself: I am Anis a Tunisian blogshitter, AIESEC member for a few years and nomad for a couple more.

So I think I am in my element (according to Angie’s stats) as 86% of the blogshitters are guys and most of all that 80% are Indians as I carry a special love for India.

My love story with India started the day I had an interview with AIESEC International for an external relation position (GPM). The panel was: Pedro (president), Yumna (current GPM), the current External relation VP, and the Elect VP… the thing is out of 4 people, 3 were Indians. And the nominated GPM was… Indian.

So since that day and I love India as much as I love AIESEC international :)

Shoot at me I am a masochiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiist…

But before you wear your Dick Cheney hunting clothes and pull the trigger, maybe you should read the disclaimer first. I have a bad habit to stick with the rules:

1 - Be aware that any information you find here may be offensive, misleading, abusive, ironic, dangerous, misspelled, inaccurate, illegal, excessive, etc.
2 - Any resemblance to actual events, persons, and random shit in general is entirely coincidental.

Oh and if you don’t like it:

3 - Go sue me or something

Mouahhahahaa (satanic laugh), I love disclaimers… Blahhhh total bullshit… ohhh, perfect!!!!!



Blogger Angie said...


On behalf of the honorary members of this space, Welcome to AB!

As stated, since the beginning of time, the quest for new and authentic talent never stops!

Looking forward to more bullshit a la Tunisian!

/Señora Vargas

15/5/06 10:14  
Blogger A. said...

Is it a coincidence that A.B perfectly matches my initials !???

I don't think so... It must be a sign...

Iiiii saw the sign and it opens up my heart I saw the sign... (not sure of the lyrics though :)

15/5/06 10:50  
Blogger Hanna said...

First of all AB - welcome! As Angie said, we are always happy to extend our family with some high quality bullshitters!

Me being a bit allergic to "mushy-ness" obviously like your very sarcastic and brave comment (considering the likelihood of a majority of our members to like your posting). Whatever, as you clearly pointed out, if one cant handle sarcasm, abuses, ressemblance to real persons, this blog is not the place to be! However, I love Indians (that is probably the most emotional statement you'll ever hear from me will I not marry you)! And any-ever, cultural understanding is great! Where-ever, Im logging out now.

17/5/06 13:05  
Blogger Hanna said...

Ive been getting some criticism for being so culturally exclusive in my last comment (especially coming from a pesron with my background in AIESEC). So I just want to clarify that I only to comment on AB's specific posting. But I also LOVE Britts (Hugh Grant), Americans (Brad Pitt), and hör och häpna even a Swede here and there (Fredrik Ljungberg [poor guy needed a lot of consolation last night]).

The world is our playground!!

17/5/06 23:51  

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