Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Is your job bullshit?

I guess you already know, but in case you need some reinforcement, take this quick quiz and find out!

I scored 116. So, ladies and gentlemen, its official: im an Artist!

Im just kinda wondering if we bullshitters are supposed to enjoy bullshit jobs. Cause a bullshit job is not the same as bullshitting at your job, is it?


Blogger Hanna said...

Sob, sob... dont have a job so cant even fill it in. However it's no news that you Angie are a true bullshit-artist! The question still remains though, are we supposed to end bullshit jobs. I dont think so - because the people who created the job obviously have no humour at all, so for them it's serious, and they are not looking at it as bullshit. However for us who can see through important dimensions in life it obviuosly is bullshit. And now I lost myself...

However what I want to say is that since bullshitter find it to be a bullshit job, it's not bullshit, and we should not enjoy it!


2/3/06 03:26  

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